This post is really just for me. I need something to hold me off until the it's time.
“I knew the music I turned Nathan and Caleb on to had influenced the writing style completely, but I felt like there was some sort of an obligation to involve me. Like, ‘We can’t just fuck him and leave him with mom’.”
-Jared Followill
Even when I’m having a great show, if I look out there and see some guy sitting on his ass because he’s there with his girlfriend and they’re waiting to hear Sex On Fire, I literally want to jump out in the crowd and kick him out.
— Caleb Followill, on Sex Somebody fans.
"The crowd wasn't that big last night and it was the best show we played on the whole tour so far. A lot of that has to do with Caleb. He's got the right amount of cockiness, the right amount of friendliness. He's not a big talker, likes to let you do the talking. It's kind of weird to talk about him as a lead singer 'cause he's my brother. All those things I hate about him as a brother might be the things I like about him as a singer."
-Nathan Followill
"I don’t know if you ever knew a preacher’s kid, but they’re always the super-rebellious ones. We really started rebelling, if you wanna call it that, at 14. And we’ve always kind of liked it. To say “fuck” in a song, we thought it was cool. Caleb writes the lyrics. I guess he could still be rebellious or pissed off. I can’t really say."-Mathew Followill
i love what caleb and nathan said haha
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