
scintillating memoirs of your favorite once-silent-muse-turned-loquacious-rock-star model

According to Richard Branson, virgin mogul billionaire, Kate Moss will be publishing her very own biogrpahy. It should be coming to a Barnes and Noble near you by next year. Can't wait? Neither can I. Apparently she will discuss all. No mum's the word here. We'll get the dirt on Doherty, cocaine, and of course over a decade of fashion.
p.s. This is a fake book cover.


shelby said...

ahahaha YOU are going to grabbing that shit UP the second it hits stands

crystal cigars said...

you and what army?
that makes no sense but this is a must

NouvelleMarcelle said...

why you no call me? i havee been worried sick. sick i tell you. where are you staying what's the gist. tell me.
call me.