How late to the scene am I? Or should I say how late am I in rejoining the scene? I am fully aware how little sense the first two statements must make to anyone (this is me being hopeful) who will ever and could ever read this however, I, Marcella Archambault, am currently in a state of such acute restlessness that the only way to recover is (as it was a year and a half ago) to find a creative outlet.
I have always loved and will always love the world of fashion. I know that statement doesn't inspire anyone to care, I mean after all "Who am I?"... (she reflected suddenly whilst gazing out her dirty, foggy 7th story window)but what I love about fashion is not so simple as looking good. In my personal times of need, fashion has served as my nourishment (breakfast, lunch and dinner), my dearest friend, my fun, my Prozac, my source of adventure and even my love affair if I am being completely honest (...and I am. If you can't be completely honest on the internet where any one can see well, then where can you?)
I am not the first and certainly not the last person to feel this way.
Afterall, fashion hasn't merely been utiliatrian since long (LONG)before anyone was there to write about it. (Here's to looking at you ancient Mesopotamia).
Since the ongoings of my
hier (here comes more honesty) included writing and recording an R&B slow jam (featuring a rap sequence by yours truly) with my partner in crime aka C-Rain as she has come to be known as in the hip hop community (if you're lost don't feel bad. I'm still not sure what happened)and consuming an unhealthy amount of dulce de leche frozen yogurt (no matter how "low-fat" you claim to be, you certainly aren't doing anything positive for my fashionable hips. No sir.), I've figured that I have nothing to lose in this endeavor.

I am fully aware that "bloggers" these days are a dime a dozen and that I am, as previously noted, late to the game, but even if the only person to ever read this is my grandmother (Hello, Margerie) it won't be for nothing because as I have said; fashion is my food, my happiness, my love and those things, those feelings, those necessities are meant to be shared.
Clothes are meant to be loved and if I do nothing else whilst on this creative endeavor, I will love, love, LOVE fashion (and apparently utilize a lot of parentheses).
Stay tuned my fellow lovers (and Grams), I've only just begun.

Now folks, please enjoy my mini ode to love.
Anna loves her leopard. Big loves his Carrie. Chloe loves their sandy, svelt blondes. And Paul and Linda will always be the epitome of love.
Here's to falling.